Thursday, November 10, 2005


As to the goals mentioned in an earlier post: generally speaking, they are to improve myself in five areas of life: physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and fiscally.

To this end, I'll have several short-term goals that will help move me farther along in each of these areas. Over time, I will develop some longer term goals to go with the short term goals, but primarily (for now) I'll stick with the short term goals, aimed to focus in one (or more) of these five areas.

Each goal will be specific, measurable, attainable, and have a time-frame attached. Short-term goals will generally be very short, just a week or two. I'll have some longer term goals that aim at months or more. I'll also develop a principle-based statement for each of the five areas that will indicate my purpose. These will be less a goal than a statement of intent, along the lines of: "I am a physically fit person who, through close attention to diet and exercise, continuously maintains a high level of physical fitness." Now, that doesn't apply now, but is the target of the "physical" area of my life.


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